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Clasificación 813
Autor(es) Bradbury, Ray
Título(s) The Martian Chronicles
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición

William Morrow
New York

Resumen Ray Bradbury is a storyteller without peer, a poet of the possible, and, indisputably, one of America´s mos beloved authors. The Mars he imagines in these masteful chronicles is a place of hope, dreams, and metaphor --of crystal pillars and fossil seas -- where a fine dust settles on the great, empty cities of a silently destroyed civilization. Bradbury´s The Martian Chonicles is a classic work of twentieth-century literature whose extraordinary power and imagination remain undimmed by time´s passage. In connected, chronological stories, a true gran master once again enthralls, delights, and challenges us with his vision and heart -- starly exposing in brilliant spacelight our strength, weakness, folly, and poignaut humanity in a stange and brathtaking world where humananity does not belong.
Descripción 268 p.


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