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Clasificación 371.33
Autor(es) Egan, Kieran.
Título(s) Implementing the Learning in Depth Program ; The Learning in Depth Team, Centre for Imaginative Education.
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Resumen The Learning in Depth program has captured the imaginations of teachers and students in over a dozen countries around the world. This innovative program fosters curiosity and nurtures a love of learning by allowing students to become salf-directed experts on a topic over the course of their schooling. This Book Compiles practical resource materials for teachers who want to implement the LID Program in their classrooms or schools, as well as introduce it to other teachers, administrators and parents. Designed for teachers who will be supervising the development of students´portfolios, this book addresses practical matters of keeping students imaginatively engaged with their LID topics. Included are steps for started, a list of potencial LID topics and the criteria for selecting them, first-hand accounts by teachers who have implemented LID, as well as templates for teachers´logs and blackline masters for student use.


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