Lincoln International Academy Chicureo
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Clasificación 895.63
Autor(es) Kirino, Natsuo
Título(s) Out
Lugar de Edición
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Vintage International
New York

Notas English traslation by Kondansha International Ltd.
Resumen This mesmerizing novel tell the story of a brutal murder in the staid Tokyo suburbs, as a young mother who works the night shift making boxed lunches strangles her abusive husband and then seeks the help of her coworkers to dipose of the body and cover up her crime. The coolly intelligent Masako emerges as the plotĀ“s ringleader but quickly discovers that this killing is the beginning, as it leads to a terrifying foray into the violent underbelly of Japanese society. At once a masterpirce of literary suspense and pitch-black comedy of gender warfare, Out is also a moving evocation of the pressures and prejudices that drive women to extreme deeds, and the friendships that bolster them in the aftermath.
Descripción 400 p.


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