Lincoln International Academy Chicureo
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


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Clasificación 813
Autor(es) Howe, James
Título(s) Stage Frisght / by James Howe.
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An Avon Flare
New York

Resumen Sebastian Barth is back , and rigth in the middle of another mystery. Famous movies star Michaele Caraway who happens to be an old friend of SebastianĀ“s mother is in town to do summer stock, and somebody seems determined to bring down the curtain on the glamorous star before the first scene. Michaele is popular with everyone, but some very ominous messages and a number of "accidents" backtage make Sebastian look for suspects among the cast and crew. It turn out thereĀ“s more than one mystery surrouding the lady that every body loves, and Sebastian ties it all together just in time.
Descripción 121 p.


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